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Hackers from Lodz literally writing posts about stuff and you can read it.

I've just created this blog. What's next?

21 Dec 2020 - written by @thinkofher

Tags: welcome meta

Ok. I thought about doing this project a long time ago. Now I’m wondering what should be the next step in encouraging members of hakierspejs lodz to write about their personal projects or any other topic.

Where to start?

Obviously I should prepare some guide (blog post would be ideal form) about contributing to this site. Page is hosted by GitHub Pages, so adding new post require some basic knowledge about git in general. It may be pretty big barrier for non-technical people so the mentioned guide should explain everything from creating new github account, through forking this project to adding new commit with post content. In theory all of this could be done using GitHub web user interface.

It’s too late

If you’re reading this and you are experienced at working with git and GitHub workflow, you can start writing new posts right now! Just fork this project, add new post in _posts directory. Commit you changes and open pull request. If it is you first time with jekyll: read more about how it handles blogging.

Final words

No matter whether you’re beginner or more experienced player: if you have any questions about this project and want to take part in creating content for hakierspejs blog: contact me.


Thanks to @d33tah you can reach this blog at blog.hs-ldz.pl. Really appreciate that!